I am a mother of two young, angelic boys...Gabriel (4) and Gavyn (16 months). I also have a wonderful hubby, Tony. I enjoy many things, including learning, teaching, and scrapbooking. I hope to share my joys with you as well.
FREE Information: How to start and run a successful personalized handbag business part time around your busy schedule----
FULL Training and Get your handbags at a discount!
Hi---My job is to teach women looking for work at home careers all about my very popular skin care company and how to gt started earning money while working from home. I would love to help you!
Everything you sell within the company----hadbags, personal items, accessories, and organization items---earns you 30-45% profit on the suggested retail price.
It's one of the highest income-earning percentages in the industry, making it a lucrative part-time or full-time opportunity if you choose.